Thursday, July 04, 2013

Which Michel Rodange stamps? Updated below!



Koetz  T. 193 – machine slogan cancel used in 1931

The slogan reads (in French):  “Buy the Michel Rodange stamps.”  But in 1931 there weren’t any postage stamps to buy that commemorated the Luxembourg poet Michel Rodange (1827-1876)!

Could the “stamps” be the Michel Rodange poster stamps like the example below?


If so, were they sold at the post offices?  And for how much?  I’m clueless.  Why in 1931 would Michel Rodange poster stamps justify a slogan cancel?  Surely collectors in the Grand Duchy must know the answer!


Luxembourg-Ville, 17 April 1931. 

The 1.25F sole franking would have paid the 20g letter rate to Germany or France.  Incidentally, the 1.25F yellow (Prifix 223) is scarce on cover.


The eminent Luxembourg philatelist Dieter Basien provides the answer, which is contained in section 12.4 [“Werbeheftchen” (or advertising booklets)] of the Handbuch zur Philatelie in Luxemburg/Manuel de la philatélie luxembourgeoise:

Michel Rodange1

 Michel Rodange2

You’ll find the handbook here:

Thanks, Dieter!

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