Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Just published by Jean-François Montagne - Les Cartes Correspondance du Grand Duche de Luxembourg Postkarten Formulare

In this scholarly study, Jean-François Montagne has filled an immense gap in our knowledge of Luxembourg's first postal stationery classics -- the formular cards. 

Significantly, Mr. Montagne advances our philatelic knowledge by researching the earliest reports of the printing and use of the formulars.  He then employs his research findings to provide reader-friendly explanations from a fresh perspective of the multitude of collectible varieties of each card, replete with innovative graphics.

It is unfortunate that recent editions of the Prifix catalog no longer list the formulars (or any stationery).  And even more concerning is that FIP-certified philatelic judges downgrade postal stationery exhibits for showing the formulars.  Let us hope that this work disabuses the ignorant of their misconceptions about these early Luxembourg stationery classics.

Mr. Montagne offers this precis of his study:

"Cette étude est très détaillée. Ses 150 pages rassemblent et synthétisent de nombreuses informations relatives aux formulaires du grand-Duché de Luxembourg émis entre 1870 et 1874. De nombreuses parutions antérieures à celle-ci ont été étudiées.

Cette parution est richement illustrée de pièces parfois uniques. Un nouveau point de vue sur ces cartes, qui sont les précurseurs des entiers postaux, est proposé. En particulier, le cinquième état de la carte N°I est étudié en profondeur. Ses secrets sont révélés par l’analyse des différents éléments récoltés sur ce mystérieux état. Le formulaire N°IV, carte avec réponse payée, est étudié sous un nouvel angle. D'autres découvertes apportent des éléments nouveaux pour toutes ces cartes."

The study can be ordered for 45 euros, postpaid worldwide, from the author at: montagne.jf@outlook.fr .

 It is an essential reference for postal stationery and postal history collectors.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Mixed Hindenburg Luxemburg & Hitler-head WW2 Frankings: a 153-day Window

Mixed Hindenburg Luxemburg & Hitler-head WW2 Frankings

1 Aug 1941 - 31 Dec 1941

 a 153-day period

25 Rpf Hitler-head & 100 Rpf Hindenburg

Luxemburg 1c
Clervaux [bs], 3 Sep 1941

14.9 kg Zone 1 = 1.05 RM
COD fee [160.19 RM] = 20 Rpf


The Hindenburg Luxemburg overprints were valid until the end of 1941.  All Reich stamps became valid in Luxembourg on 1 Apr 1941, but the Hitler-head definitives were first issued on 1 Aug 1941.  And beginning 1 Jan 1942, only Reich stamps were valid for use in Luxemburg.  

Thus, Hindenburg-Hitler head mixed frankings were possible only for 153 days -- from 1 Aug 1941 to 31 Dec 1941.  

Although most such mixed frankings are inexpensive, they are remarkably hard to find.  But if you search for them, your reward will be a nice niche collection.

Here are a few more examples:

4 Rpf Hindenburg & 50 Rpf Hitler-head 

Befort, 28 Aug 1941,
to München 2 BZ, Hauptstadt der Gewegung,
30 Aug 1941
Not censored!

20-250g Letter = 24 Rpf
Registration fee = 30 Rpf


 50 Rpf Hitler-head & 100 Rpf Hindenburg

 Luxemburg 1i, 2 Sep 1941,
censored at Berlin [code d]
then by air to
Petropolis, Brazil

⥶20g UPU letter = 25 Rpf.
Air supplement = 1.25 RM


15 Rpf. & 80 Rpf. Hitler-head
and 100 Rpf Hindenburg (5)

Luxemburg 2d, 5 Aug 1941
Mit Luftpost nach Sudamerika
to Bogotá, Colombia
20g-30g UPU letter = 40 Rpf
Registry fee = 30 Rpf
Airmail supplement = 595 Rpf.
(175 Rpf/10g x 3)?


5 Rpf Hitler-head &
1 Rpf, 8 Rpf, 10 Rpf & 50 Rpf Hindenburg

Luxemburg 1i, 4 Oct 1941
Registered COD to
Bayreuth, Germany
[b/s] 5 Oct 1941

20g-250g Letter to the Reich = 24 Rpf
Registration fee = 30 Rpf
COD fee [83.34 RM] = 20 Rpf


15 Rpf Hindenburg & 50 Rpf Hitler-head

 Luxemburg 2d, 18 Sep 1941
Mit Luftpost Nach Nord Amerika
to New York, N.Y. 

20g UPU letter = 25 Rpf
Airmail supplement for 5g = 40 Rpf

1 Rpf Hitler-head &
5 Rpf Hindenburg Postal Card

Luxemburg 1a, 19 Aug 1941
to Saalfeld a.d. Salle 

Postal card rate within the Reich = 6 Rpf


4 Rpf Hitler-head
and 30 Rpf & 40 Rpf Hindenburg

Luxemburg, 10 Nov 1941 to
Neunkirchen, Saar [b.s] 11 Nov 1941 

20g-250g letter to the Reich = 24 Rpf
Registry fee = 30 Rpf
COD [125 RM] = 20 Rpf.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

United States Shortpaid Incoming Mail to "Luxenburg France"

Luxenburg, France?

Louisville, Ky. 
Station H (DPO)
22 Aug 1919
Shortpaid 3 US cents
Taxed Double the Deficiency 
15 Sep 1919 
30 centimes postage due paid

In the early 19th century, incoming mail incorrectly addressed to "Luxembourg, France," "Luxembourg, Belgium," and "Luxembourg, Germany" all seems to have been delivered.  But last week a letter I sent to a collector in Fentange (population ~1600) showing the street address but inadvertently omitting the street number was returned as "undeliverable." 

Things sure have changed!

Other examples of similar incorrectly addressed mail are here and here.

Monday, July 30, 2018

WW1 Hand-drawn Postal History Art

Feldpostamt 54
2 Jun 1915
with Briefstempel cachet

Postprüfungsstelle Oppeln
[censored at Oppeln, Silesia]

Censored at Trier, Germany

To Esch-sur-Alzette
9 Jun 2015

Forwarded to 
Neidercorn [post: Differdange]

5c Postage Due Paid
10 Jun 2015 

A strange sketch drawn on some kind of synthetic leather with a lot of symbolism (note the tombstone labeled 1914-1915 and the church bell tolling) .  Comments?

Friday, July 27, 2018

German Fieldpost from the Großen Hauptquartiers [General Headquarters] at Charleville-Mézières to Luxembourg in 1914

K.D. Feldpostamt des
Großen Hauptquartiers
[ Charleville-Mézières, France]

8 Dec 1914

Censored at Trier

To Luxembourg-Ville, 19 Dec 1914,
with 5c postage due paid

a purple boxed handstamp

Chef d. Generalstabes des Feldheeres
[Head of the General staff of the Field Army]

Early in the war, the German General Headquarters were established at what had been the pre-war German Embassy in Luxembourg. In response to objections, however, the General Headquarters were relocated to Charleville-Mézières, France, on 25 Sep 1914.