Monday, August 08, 2011

5-Franc Marie-Adélaïde Definitive with Gemen & Bourg Double-Impression Perfin


004 006


Occasionally a perfin prompts me to blink twice.  And so it was when I saw this 5F Marie-Adélaïde definitive (Prifix 109) in a general Luxembourg collection.  Any perfinned  5F definitive is welcome in my Luxembourg perfin collection.

And when the collection with the 5F perfin arrived, I was even more surprised.  The perfin pattern is a double-impression of the scarce
G B pattern used by Gemen & Bourg Rosiéristes in Luxembourg-Limpertsberg.  The cancel is dated 28 November 1921.

The FSPL Catalogue des Timbres Perforés Luxembourgeois (2002) lists the G B perfin as used between 1916 to 1922.  It is known on only 7 stamps – the 10c, 2½F, 5F, and 20c/17½c Marie-Adélaïde definitives, the 30c Charlotte (1st series), 5F Adolphe Bridge, and 50c Charlotte (2nd series). 

The other 300 or so stamps in the collection must be just a little jealous of this beauty!

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