In 1934, the tiny village of Kytlice [Kittlitz] was part of Czechoslovakia, situated in a northern extremity of Bohemia just above Novy Bor, an area closely bordered on three sides by German Saxony. Four years later, this area would be incorporated into Germany as part of the Sudentenland. Today it is part of the Czech Republic.
The commercial postcard shown here was posted from Luxembourg-Ville on June 23, 1934, at the 75c German treaty rate. Apparently a Luxembourg postal clerk noticed that the destination (Kittlitz/Böhmen) was outside of Germany and France, both of which then enjoyed a 75c preferential postal card tariff, so the clerk marked the card "T' [taxe], indicating that postage due was to be collected from the recipient. The amount due is noted in manuscript as "10 cts or" [meaning 10 gold centimes, the equivalent of 50 Luxembourg centimes], representing doubling of the 25c deficiency from the
one-franc UPU postcard rate.
At Kytlice a Czechoslovakian postal clerk has documented payment of the postage due with a 50 haleru postage due label canceled by the Kytlice /Kittlitz cds on June 27, 1934.
When Kytlice and the rest of the Sudetenland were absorbed into the Third Reich in October 1938, they also came under the 75c preferential tariff with Germany. It would be great to have an example showing the reduced postcard rate.