Monday, May 22, 2023

Jean-Pierre Wallenborn - 1947-1948 Pricelist for Luxembourg Packets!


1947-1948 Wholesale Price List

Luxembourg Packets

 Offered by

Jean-Pierre (J.-P.) Wallenborn
21 Rue des Roses 


Priced in U.S. dollars.  

"All stamps are in perfect condition."

And the list is appropriately

printed on rose-colored paper! 







Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Incoming Mail from the T.A.A.F. to Remich in 1981



Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises


Incoming Mail to Remich

in 1981


Port Aux Françaises Kerguelen, T.A.A.F.,
18 Dec 1981

Remich [b/s], 18 Mar 1982

Remich,19 Mar 1982
(paying poste restante fee)

Transit time:  90 days 

An example of scarce modern incoming mail!